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We would like to help you to get started in the right way when you want to establish Business in Ukraine. The Danes have been working in Ukraine since the early nineties and can be a helpful network for your company.  

There are many types of businesses to establish in Ukraine. The main is now production, subcontracting, commercial, real estate, farming and land plot investment. Common for all type of business:

"Always have an advisor or consulting company together with you on the field when you start business in another country, it is cheaper for you". You can as a Danish company use the network of already existing investors by joining the Danish Business Association and get much experience here.

If your company need financial help to establish in Ukraine the are different options. Ex, the Danish Investment Fund (IFU) who can be an important partner on the Ukrainian market. If you chose the Danish Investment Fund as the financial partner you will also benefit by having an experience Investment Advisor on your Board as an observer. This person is typical with huge knowhow of Ukraine and the business environment that can help you company in many ways.

The Investment advisor does not justify that you should not have a consulting company related. It is important in a startup to have the right advisors establishing your business. Typically it is consulting companies who do things like that. The Commercial department at the Danish Embassy could also be a good partner on many issues. Please look under "Embassy" to find more information.

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DBA professional board advisors

Lars Vestbjerg avatar

Lars Vestbjerg

Sika Footwear, CEOServices: Crisis management, Enterprise economy, Management, Optimizing company capacity, Operating in Ukrainian environment
Jakob Dalhoff avatar

Jakob Dalhoff

Match Office, CEOServices: Enterprise economy, Crisis management, Management, Marketing, Operating in Ukrainian environment

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